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Swaziland university closed indefinitely as student protests continue

D 30 août 2019     H 05:49     A     C 0 messages

The University of eSwatini (formerly University of Swaziland) has closed indefinitely and sent students home after protests across its three campuses.

Students are engaged in an ongoing protest over allowances which have been cut in recent years and are now not being paid fully at the beginning of semesters.

Students across Swaziland which is ruled by absolute monarch King Mswati III have been protesting the issue in the three weeks since classes started for the academic year. They also want scholarships to be given to all people who want them and qualify. Many of the present first year students have registered at the university but have not been granted scholarships. Students are also angry that they were not consulted over changes.

The Swazi Observer, a newspaper in effect owned by the King, reported students vandalised property, started fires and blocked roads.

See also

Limkokwing University, Swaziland, asks High Court to force end to class boycott

Swaziland police hold and ‘torture’ students after protest march on Govt ministry


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