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The Hell of South Sudan

D 13 avril 2016     H 05:38     A     C 0 messages

South Sudan is the world’s newest country. In a country almost the size of France there is only 100 kilometres of tarmac road. A two-year bloody conflict between mainly Dinka and Nuer groups, allied to warring government and opposition forces, and now spreading into other inter-ethnic struggles, is destroying the country’s once potentially oil-rich future. With the 2015/16 harvest non-existent, and nothing being planted because of the conflict, all of South Sudan’s food has to brought in from neighbouring states.

2.3 million people, one in five of the population, have been forced from their homes. 185,000 people have sought refuge in UN-designated protection camps. The International Crisis Group estimates 100,000 people, possibly more, have been killed. The UN estimates that 2.8 million people are currently facing "acute" food and nutrition insecurity in South Sudan’s Greater Upper Nile states. 25 per cent of South Sudan’s population who are in urgent need of food aid. Just over 6 million require basic humanitarian help.

Source from http://socialistbanner.blogspot.com/


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