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Afrique du Sud : COSATU Statement on the Dalai Lama Visit

D 30 octobre 2011     H 05:25     A COSATU     C 0 messages

The Congress of South African Trade Unions notes the continuing media frenzy around the Dalai Lama’s visit to South Africa.

We also note and respectfully differ with the remarks attributed to Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, in particular the assertion that South Africans will pray for the ANC’s downfall. The ANC government is a product of the people’s will, who continuously demonstrate their confidence in the government through various means, including by voting for it.
COSATU condemns the government’s clumsiness in handling the Dalai Lama’s visa application. We also condemn the forked tongue communication and lack of openness throughout the entire saga. The unnecessary delays and the failure by government to provide clear and succinct reasons for the delays in processing the visa application have only served the purpose of fuelling suspicions of foul play.

COSATU believes that the Archbishop’s anger and frustration are justified in light of inconsistent and confusing communication from various government departments regarding the Dalai Lama’s visa application as well as the fact that this scenario is not playing itself out for the first time.

As a matter of principle, the federation strongly opposes the utilisation of bureaucratic red tape as a means to frustrate those who don’t share similar perspectives with the government.

We particularly oppose this given how the United States - the bastion of imperialism and aggression - utilises bureaucratic procedures such as denying political activists permits to visit the country, airport detentions and lengthy interrogations followed by deportation to silence political activists.


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