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Afrique du sud : Strike action hits Kumba Iron Ore

D 15 octobre 2010     H 04:13     A     C 0 messages

Wage talks between the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) and Kumba Iron Ore had finally collapsed, paving a way for a historic massive strike action set to begin on Monday.

The NUM puts a 10% wage demand for category 7-8 ; 9% for category 5-6 and 7,5% for category 3-4. The employer on the other hand offers 9,5% ; 8 ;5% and 7% respectively. The NUM insists on a one year wage deal whilst the company wants to enter into a two year deal. The other difference is on the retention bonus on which the union demands that a once-off retention bonus of R3000 be paid to workers over a two months period and the company wants nothing of it.

The National Union of Mineworkers has this afternoon been awarded a certificate of non-resolution to the dispute by the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA), allowing the union to embark on a legally-protected strike action.

The NUM will as from tomorrow brief its members in preparation for the massive strike action that will shut down Kumba Iron Ore‘s three operations of Sishen, Kolomela and Thabazimbi. “We are very tired of all these tricks. The time for action has now arrived. The time to strike is now !” says Eddie Majadibodu, the NUM‘s Chief Negotiator at Kumba. “The company must come forward NOW or face the ire of workers” says Majadibodu.

Lesiba Seshoka, NUM Spokesperson

Source : From COSATU


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