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Afrique du sud : Wits students successfully force intransigent Wits management to intervene in case of 17 dismissed black workers

D 30 mai 2012     H 12:53     A COSATU     C 0 messages

NEHAWU congratulates the progressive and revolutionary Wits University students, for scoring a preliminary victory in the fight for the reinstatement of 17 black workers that were dismissed by Royal Mnandi Catering Services at the university. The students have forced the stubborn and indifferent management of the institution to intervene in the ensuing impasse.

The management has since agreed to do the right thing ; therefore allowing the students to call off their hunger strike and focus on their examinations.This stance by the student worker alliance is commendable and also shows what can be achieved when organic student activists working with a progressive workforce refuse to be bullied and stand up against social injustice and exploitation.

The kind of fearlessness shown by the students is the one that liberated this country from apartheid and they have done the “Class of 1976” proud by standing up against abuse of authority and social injustice.South Africa needs this calibre of student and youth leadership that is not detached from the social realities of the majority.We salute these courageous students and call on the management of Wits University to methodically intervene and uphold the reputation and integrity of their institution

Wits university has got a responsibility to ensure that all their service providers offer decent work to their employees.NEHAWU also calls on the institutions of higher learning to in-source all their support functions in order to provide quality service to students.

Discriminatory workplace attitudes will not automatically disappear, but will have to be opposed and fought by all those who believe in the ideals of a new South Africa. Wits University can no longer continue to exist as an elitist institution indifferent to the plight of the working class in an unequal society like ours.

NEHAWU again salutes the student worker alliance for their unwavering commitment to justice for all and we offer our continued support to the struggle for a transformed Wits University. NEHAWU remains resolute in our pledge to defend and advance the rights and gains of the workers and the working class in general.


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