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Bostwana : Opposition Cooperation

D 3 mars 2012     H 05:01     A     C 0 messages

Communiqué from the leaders Meeting of the Botswana Movement for Democracy, Botswana National Front and Botswana People’s Party on Opposition Cooperation

The Presidents of the Botswana Movement for Democracy, Botswana National Front and Botswana People’s Party accompanied by their Secretary Generals and Team Leaders of the former Negotiating Teams met in Gaborone on the 16th February 2012 together with the inter-party conveners, Messrs Mpotokwane and Maphanyane in an effort to seek to revive the stalled inter-party opposition talks.

In the discussions, the leaders took note of the letter received from the Botswana Congress Party which explained the inability of the Party to be present in the meeting due to a consultation process which they are still engaged in.

The leaders took note of this but were of the opinion that as the BCP has not closed any doors to participate in the revived negotiations, the door will be kept open to accommodate them as soon as they are available.

In proceeding with the discussions, the leaders felt that time was of the essence as the count-down towards 2014 was picking momentum. The leaders therefore identified the following areas and agreed that :

1. The Umbrella should be revived and pursued as the cooperation model

2. Messrs Mpotokwane and Maphanyane should continue as convenors, joined by Rev. C. Moenga, Rev. P. Dibeela and Judge Mosojane

3. Leaders of contracting parties in the form of President, Secretary General and Team Leader of former negotiating teams should constitute the Negotiating forum

4. Technical and task teams from the last time should be retained

5. A Communication Unit to be headed by Moeti Mohwasa of the BNF be and is hereby established. Merapelo Letebele of the BMD and Kumbulani William of the BPP will be part of the Unit.

6. A Reconciliation and team-building exercise for the leaders of contracting parties be scheduled and hosted as a matter of urgency

Overall, the leaders feel it is incumbent upon them to proceed with the negotiations on the basis of the umbrella model which was already accepted by all opposition parties. Their commitment to finishing and remaining issues is now paramount. It is their hope that all Batswana will continue to support them in this endeavour. The next meeting will be on 22nd February 2012.

Signed :

 President, BMD
 President, BNF
 President, BPP


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