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Botswana : UMBRELLA II-The National Project catches momentum.

D 10 mars 2012     H 06:06     A     C 0 messages

Following the second session of the Umbrella Talks II today (22-02-12), the participating parties allocated themselves different tasks which are aimed at ensuring that the Talks are concluded by the end March. It was also agreed that the Convenors should brief the BCP on the progress made so far and encourage them to return to the Talks as soon as it is practically possible for them. The participating Party leaders also committed themselves to assisting where possible to ensure that the BCP comes onboard as its value and contribution is needed to ensure that this national project succeeds. It was also acknowledged that the presence of the BCP in the Umbrella II would make it stronger, but due to time constraints it was felt that the Talks ...proceed while leaving room for possible entry of the party in the future. BCP’s communication to the Umbrella indicating that it is still consulting its members was acknowledged.

The meeting also noted that since this is a national project, efforts should be made to ensure that as many stakeholders as possible are briefed about the progress made as we go along.

The Botswana Movement for Democracy (BMD) has been assigned to oversee Policy Issues and the Governance Map. Members of the Task Team are ; Cde Wilson Thupeng, Cde Thapelo Otlogetswe, Cde Merapelo Letebele, Cde Elmon Tafa, Cde Monageng Mogalakwe, Cde Tiro Sebina, Cde Shathiso Tambula, Cde Kumbulani William and Cde Onalenna Mugwana. Mr Emang Maphanyane, one of the Convenors, with his wealth and knowledge in Economic matters, will also be part of the Team.

The Botswana National Front (BNF) will oversee Constitutional and Registration matters. The Team tasked with this responsibility will be headed by a seasoned politician and renowned constitutional lawyer, Cde Dick Bayford. Other members are ; Cde Malike Mmohe, Cde Mboki Chilisa, Cde Tshiamo Rantao and Cde Thabang Peter. Ten names have been suggested for possible registration as required by the Registrar of Societies.

The participating parties committed themselves to ensuring that the issue of allocation of constituencies and wards does not take their eyes off the ball as it happenned during Umbrella I. The Botswana People’s Party (BPP) is to oversee the process. The parties are to submit their wish lists which will be looked at during the meeting of the party presidents, secretary generals and the negotiating teams.
Due to the Collective’s deep sense of commitment to Democratic despensation, the Umbrella II resolved to ensure that the process used to select its President and other office-bearers shall to the extent possible allow the members to have an input. This means that the issue of who leads the Umbrella should be owned by the people as this a People’s Project. The BNF was tasked with coming up with ways of achieving this.

The next round of Talks will be held next week Wednesday, 29th February.


Moeti Mohwasa

Umbrella Communicationa Head


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