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Motions on Swaziland

D 25 août 2010     H 12:58     A Lucky Lukhele     C 0 messages

SSN South African Chapter Resolution to the "2nd African Participatory Democracy Conference" On Swaziland

As the Swaziland Solidarity Network (South African Chapter) we present the following for the adoption by the African Participatory Democracy Conference to adopt the following motions on Swaziland.

1. We call for an immediate unbanning of all political parties and a guaranteed return for freedom and human rights in Swaziland.

2. We call for an immediate interim government, made up of all political parties. Such an interim government will be in charge of the Executive, the Judiciary and the Legislative arm of government, together with the police and the army.

3. The interim government will engage in a process of setting up national elections based on “one person one vote” while observing the right of Swazi Nation to its self-determination and a Constitutional Assembly.

4. We call for an immediate withdrawal of the Suppression of terrorism Act, which its intent is the entrench the royal autocracy and reject any form of democratic discourse.

5. We call on an end to unconstitutional political trials and the unjust persecution on Swazi activists.

6. We call for a real commitment to genuine talks for a democratic and truly free Swaziland.