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D 19 février 2011     H 05:36     A     C 0 messages

As we come close to the national elections(presidential and parliamentary elections as well as local elections) scheduled this Friday 18th February 2011,there is high evidence of the ruling Government preparing rigging of the elections :

Ø Voters are being intimidated and prepared to vote from the presiding officer’s table.

Ø To accept and take ticked ballot which have been ticked in favour of the incumbent president Yoweri Museveni.

Ø To exchange the results in favour of candidates of the ruling party and those who have high leaning to the ruling party in form of independent candidates

Ø To change the results in favour of the ruling party candidates.

Ø To buy voters by giving them money at the polling stations and instructing the same voters to pretend that they are blind so that the ruling party’s agents and security personnel vote for them in favour of the ruling party.

Ø To make sure that all those appointed to work as election officials are chosen from the members of the ruling party/Government

Ø To give voters who are genuine members of the ruling party and the fanatics multiple votes to take in ballot boxes.

Ø Use security agents to beat, harass and intimidate known voters in the oppositions claiming that they are causing chaos at polling stations so that they don’t vote.

Ø To create unknown polling stations in army barracks so as to use soldiers to vote in favour of the incumbent president,MPs and other candidates of the ruling party.

Ø To bring early none voters and foreigners especially from Rwanda and Zaire to vote in names of voters known to be in opposition.

Ø To transport and bring Rwandans and Zairians who were registered as Ugandan voters to vote.

Ø Opposition candidates are being denied the right to air their views on most local radios as well as the Government owned Television and Radio even when they have paid and their monies not refunded.

Ø The ruling party is transporting people from different areas and paying them money to attend the ruling party president and other ruling party candidates and covering these on local radios and televisions as well as foreign ones and internet to prepare the voters and the world for a rigging.

Ø Voters are being paid money not attend rallies of opposition candidates.

Ø The NRM(ruling party) MPs were recently given each equivalent to US dollars $10,000 for during elections as well as all MPs being given again a similar amount which money was drawn from that of the annual national budget.

Ø The electoral commission has been threatening that who ever will announce results will be arrested.

Ø The incumbent president who is also at the same time a presidential candidates has been threatening his closest challenger,Dr Col Kiiza Besigye,that he is likely to be arrested. The last elections Dr.Col Kiiza Besigye was nominated while in prison on trumped up charges of treason and rape both of which has won the court cases.

Ø Forcing opposition candidates’ agents at the polling station to sign election results declaration forms before the election and chasing, beating away those who will not accept.

Ø The national voters register has already been inflated with over 50000 none existent voters which names will also be used to rig the election.


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