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Sudan Revolts Achieves Peace

D 17 septembre 2012     H 05:51     A     C 0 messages

This is the headline most media failed to realize. The recent agreement between Sudan’s ruling party, the National Congress Party (NCP) and the government of South Sudan is a direct result of the Sudanese revolt that has been ongoing since June 16.

What the international media failed to realize and what the NCP media works hard at concealing is that the revolt is brewing and can blow up at any moment into a full fledged-uprising. What is baffling is the downplaying of the protests, and saying that they were due to austerity measures. Is ones dire economic situation not the biggest motivation to stand up for change ?

Sudan’s third revolution is on the way and is showing maturity. There is a rise in organized youth movements that are demanding a leading role. The old powers are being replaced with new ideas and ways of resistance. Youth are using the forbidden word ‘secularism’ openly, unlike the Sudanese opposition who hide behind the ‘civil state’.

From schools, universities and young professionals comes strong questioning of the Sudanese society that has been engineered by the ruling elites since Sudan’s independence in 1956.

Sudan is undeniably underdeveloped, and not only the marginalized areas. The capital Khartoum does not compare to any of the world’s capitals or major cities. The roads, which are the NCP’s “greatest achievement”, lack means of water dispersal and become mini-lakes when it rains.

The Sudanese economy lacks any real export other than raw materials. The few historically strong Sudanese industries were driven to the ground after the arrival of oil production. The economical power it brought those who depended on them was deemed a threat. Notably the Jazeera scheme, which was once one of the biggest farming irrigation projects in the region. Its strength was the fact that it was and still is, thanks to a long court battle against the NCP, owned by the farmers.

The underdevelopment of Sudan and misuse of its resources led to the rise of the people in South Sudan. People took arms to improve their lives. Once they stood their vision grew to include identity, religion and cultural preservation.

In 2003 with the South reaching its historic Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) with the NCP, an armed resistance started in Darfur. The initial aim was improving their economic situation. But, as the case with the South, their vision expanded.

The current revolt’s seed was planted during the preparation for the Sudanese elections of 2010. For once there was hope in Sudan and a window of opportunity that got many youth addicted to the fresh air of freedom. Many believed that change is coming. That the opposition political parties are going to unite and have one candidate, Yasir Arman of the SPLM. That would make unity attractive for the South and will be the start of a ‘New Sudan’ based on citizenship and freedom to all.

The South separated in 2011, Yasir Arman is in exile, the opposition parties are as weak as ever with the two main parties having a presence in the NCP government, and Sudan is as underdeveloped and poor as ever. To top all that, at least 70 percent of Sudan’s resources were spent on NCP security forces including the police, army and the many flavors of the notorious NISS (National Intelligence and Security Services).

The South separated. The NCP lost 75 percent of its oil income. Oil production that only requires the employment of 2 percent of the population made the rich NCP detached from the Sudanese people. The Sudanese economy collapsed, helped by a lack of a vision to deal with the ramifications of the separation on the Sudanese currency. The Sudanese pound rose through the years from 2 for a dollar to over 6 for a dollar. With that goods tripled in price while people’s income stayed the same. The Sudanese middle class was hurt the most. They, for once, started to feel what the marginalized areas felt.

A non-violent war started between the NCP and the Sudanese youth. The youth called it Sudan Revolts (it actually started on twitter as #SudanRevolts). The NISS ran around headless looking for the ‘leaders” of the movement. Insisting that they are being used by the traditional parties : UMMA, DUP and Communist Party ; and the armed movements : SPLM, SLA and JEM. Thousands got arrested, and the youth just kept on organizing. New ideas were thought of, tried and abandoned in favor of others ; while the NISS lagged behind torturing protestors for outdated information that is widely shared online with pictures and videos.

For those who downplay this movement by saying it is due to austerity measures, please note that the NISS is spending a fortune buying foreign weapons to put down the protests. While the protestors are spending next to nothing to locally make banners and flyers to spread ideas of a better Sudan for all.

It is true, we rose to make our living standard better. And that tunnel leads to a road that is illuminated by freedom and justice. The first stop was an achievement we will wear as a badge of honor. It was the signing of an agreement to end hostilities and agree on the resuming of oil production in the South and its transportation through the North.

Sudan Revolts already changed Sudan and will not stop by removing the NCP, but will continue on the road to prosperity through development, education, gender equality, elimination of institutionalized racism, social justice and freedom of speech.

Sudan Revolts is humble enough to expect the world to ignore us, but strong enough to achieve Sudan’s third revolution alone and through non-violent means. If interested follow us on twitter on the hashtag #SudanRevolts.

Source : http://www.girifna.com


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