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Habitable settlement must be configured for the residents of the Makoko slums in Nigeria

D 30 juillet 2012     H 13:10     A World Federation of Trade Unions     C 0 messages

The World Federation of Trade Unions denounced the decision of the Lagos State Government to violently demolish the Makoko slums in Lagos, Nigeria without taking any provision on creating a safe, clean and proper residence for the people who are driven into violently forced homelessness.

It is estimated that more than 85,000 people, poor fishermen and immigrants from Togo and Benin in their majority, are living under appalling conditions in the biggest waterfront slum of Nigeria.

The Makoko slums are a disgrace for humanity. It is a bright exposure of capitalism observing in the 21st Century that millions of people are living in such tragic conditions of poverty, lack of basic hygiene and safety while on the same time the monopolies are making billions from the plundering of Nigeria’s wealth-producing resources.

On the same time it is equally appalling that the Nigerian government decides with a 72 hour notice on Monday 16th July, 2012 for “environmental” reasons and for the “provitable development” of the area, to evict thousands of residents in a violent manner without taking any precaution to provide shelter to these poor people.

The World Federation of Trade Unions is calling the workers around the world to demonstrate on October 3rd, 2012 at the International Action Day their rights for “Food, Water, Medicines, Books, Housing for all” against “the plundering of the natural resources by the transnationals”. In the declaration we state : “Everyone has a human right to housing, which means all persons, regardless of income, have the right to occupy a safe, secure, habitable, and affordable homein peace and dignity, free from forced eviction.”

Within this framework, the WFTU, as the class-oriented international trade union organization of 82 million members from 120 countries, addresses the Nigerian Government demanding the postponing of the Makoko demolition and the immediate configuration of a relocation plan of the Makoko residents for a smooth transition into a safe, secure, habitable clean and affordable housing in a settlement with the proper infrastructure and facilities.

World Federation of Trade Unions Secretariat


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