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Unban political parties in Swaziland ! The world can add a voice

D 28 juin 2014     H 05:07     A CPS     C 0 messages

The South African Communist Party (SACP) Alpheus Malivha District will on the 28TH of June 2014 visit the Village of Cde Amos Mbedzi at Makonde village, Thulamela Municipality, Vhembe Region in Limpopo Province, RSA. The event will be at cde Amos Mbezi’s Home.

This is part of international solidarity work, at this time in support of the struggle for freedom in Swaziland. Cde Amos Mbedzi is one South African from this district (Alpheus Malivha) in this village (Makonde). He is serving 85 years sentence in Swaziland. He was arrested in 2008 charged with terrorism for supporting the freedom struggle of the people of Swaziland. He is kept in a typical conditions together with several activists and leaders of the pro democracy movement including PUDEMO president Mario Masuku, Human Rights Lawyer Thulani Maseko and the Nation Magazine editor, Bheki Makhubu, all incarcerated by the Mswati autocracy.

This solidarity program is part of the Break the Chains Campaign initiated by the Communist Party of Swaziland calling for the unconditional release of political prisoners, unbanning of political parties and the unconditional return of all Swazi exiles to their country. The SACP in the district is part of the Campaign.

Makonde village is directly affected by the situation of Swaziland in the circumstance that one of its precious sons is a victim of Mswati repressive rule. The event will be a platform to discuss more effective ways and means to take forward the Campaign whose success will eventually set free cde Amos Mbedzi.

South Africa has an important role to play to help Swaziland achieve democracy. This begins with joining forces with the oppressed people of Swaziland in their drive to end the Mswati dictatorship. We have been too quiet as South Africans as if we condone the Mswati dictatorship yet it is at a cost of lives to the Swazi people.

This event will be attended by the leadership of the pro democracy movement from Swaziland, SACP Central Committee members, ANC and COSATU and various solidarity structures in South Africa under the theme : International voice in support of the call for the unbanning of political parties in Swaziland.

Media is here by invited to this historic event that is scheduled as follows :

Date : 28 June 2014
Starting time : 12h00
Venue : Makonde stadium


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