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Soudan : Demonstration in Khartoum

D 31 janvier 2011     H 16:22     A     C 0 messages

Since 11 am, today Sunday the 30th of Jan.young people took to the streets in Khartoum replying to the calls by different youth organisations to demonstrate against the cost of living, curtailing of democracy, lack of educational and health service and above all dictatorship of the ruling National Congress Party.The slogans included demands for removal of the regime, joining hands with the people and youth of EGypt and Tunis. Already the bruital police attacks claimed their first victim student Mustapha Al noman, of Ahlia Unversity ,who is suffereing from deep head wounds, score of students were arrested in the areas aroung al Souque Al Arabi,among them student omer Maghoub.As we are writing to you we are receiving that demonstraters have reached Central Kgartoum. Sharie Al Kaser.
The numbers are in their hundreds, but growing.

It is 12 09 and the heroic young people of the Sudan are writing with fists and determination the beginning of street resistance to the dictatorship of the Moslimbrotherhood. They are following in the foot steps of their brothers and sisters of Egypt and Tunsia. The slogans of the demonstrators include, freedom,Freedom.Freedom.No to high prices,Release or brothers from prisons.Noi Kiyzan,moslimbrothers.no reactionaries, we need back our bread.Down with the dictatorship.
It is beleived a group of youth org are behivd the movement.Among those arrested id Omer Mhgoub member of the Secretariat of the Sudanese Youth Union.

Keep up support and solidarity, our youth are keeping the fight. Till now we can say the demonstrations are slowly spreading to different parts of the capital.Here we the three towns that is Khartoum,where everything started,Now as we write there is a fierce battle going on iaround the faculty of medicinebetween riot police and demonstraters. The same is taking place near Khartoum University.Already in Omdurman demonstrations are taking place near Banet,Al Ahlia University and Omdurman Unversity.In Khartoum North demonstrations have just started near the main shopping centre.
Police in civilian clothes is picking up activists in the streets.Apart from thereqular security forces the regime is using its own milisia.There are five youth org. behind todays demonstrations this include Hope and Change,Resistance in the neighbourhood,Youth for Change, Grifna,and First Change. They are composed of radical left and democratic forces.They are part of the mass democratic movement and they taking the lead and appealing for other sections of the population to jion in.
According to availavle information over 70 young people were detained.Over hundred young men and women are injured some very seriously. There three cases which are said to in dangerious conditions. Since the Security forces are beseiging hospitals young wounded people prefer either to treat themselves or seek private care. Communist and democratic doctors are treating injured persons in make shfit clincs.
The security forces are using naked bruital force to disperse peaceful gemonstrations.
Comrades:Raise your voices, Our youth look for support. It is the beginning.

Spanish version :

Mantengan su apoyo y solidaridad, nuestra juventud esta llevando la lucha. Hasta ahora podamos decir que las manifestaciones estan lentamente llegando a diferentes partes de la ciudad. En las tres municipios que conforman Jartum, donde todo empezo, ahora mientras que escribimos hay una batalla intensiva en marcha entre policia antimontines y manifestantes alrededor de la Facultad de Medicina. Lo mismo pasa cerca de la Universidad de Jartum. Ya hay manifestaciones cerca de Banet, Universidad Al Ahlia y Universidad de Omdurman. En Jartum Norte manifestaciones justamente ha empezado cerca del centro comercial principal.

La policía de paisano detienen a activistas en las calles. Aparte de las fuerzas de seguridad regulares, el régimen está usando su propia milicia. Hay cinco organizaciones de jóvenes detrás de las manifestaciones de hoy, estos son la Esperanza y Cambio, Resistencia en el Barrio, Juventud por el Cambio, Grifna, y Cambio Primero. Se componen de fuerzas de izquierda radical y democrática y forman parte del movimiento democrático de masas y toman llaman a otros sectores de la población a unirse a las protestas.

De acuerdo a la información que tenemos más de 70 jóvenes fueron detenidos. Más que un centenar de hombres y mujeres jóvenes fueron lesionados, algunos muy en serio. Hay tres casos que se dice que estan en condiciones peligrosas. Dado que las fuerzas de seguridad están asediando los hospitales, los jóvenes heridos prefieren tratarse a sí mismos o buscar atención privada. Médicos comunistas y democraticos están tratando personas heridas en clincas improvisadas.

Las fuerzas de seguridad utilizan la fuerza brutal desnuda para dispersar manifestaciones pacíficas.

Compañeros : Levanta tu voz, este día, los jóvenes busca su apoyo. Esto es el comienzo.

The streets of Khartoum are rather empty for the first working day of the week.Roit police, security cars, and police vans are moving all over the place, in an attempt as a show of force.The demos of today have achieved its target.It is time regroup, study the experience and chart a new the coming step.coming days are important.
Foreign journalist were forbidden from taking photoes or interviewing politicians.Some have lost their camers conficated by police.Over thirtydetainees including female students were transfered to the headquarters of the security in Khartoum North.Some were beaten on the way to prison.

Scrimmages between police and demonstrators continued till late at night, especially around the faculty of medicine, University of Khartoum main building and Al Ahlia University in Omdurman.The students and young people movement have recorded their first martyr Mohamed Abd Alrahman ,student at Al Ahlia Unversity.Plans for further mass actions are on the agenda of the political forces. The National Consensus Forum, grouping around 23 political parties and organizations, is still in session.As it is well known the Sudanese Communist Party have already raised the issue of toppling the regime through all legal means including civil uprising and political disobedience.Since last August its branches are working to mobilize the masses in the different sections of the population. At present in the political field a big struggle is being waged to win the battle for a new democratic leadership for the Sudanese trade union movement.

6:03 monday, january 31 - 2011

Some of the detainees were released in the early hours of the morning today.However, two persons have completely disappeared at the hands of the security forces.Dr,Husam Malik who seized by the security forces while distributing an appeal in support of the youth demos, and pharmasyst Luis Awail who intervined to treat some of the wounded.All attempts to trace their whereabouts have failed. Their relatives and colleague are quite warried about their destiny.Such incidents in the past usually result in victims being exposed to torture.
Three of the youth organisations have issued joint statement, expressing their satisfaction with the response their call for action have received.The movement youth for change, the neighbourhood resistance, and Griefna, called for mass demostrations to resume on Thursday 3rd of Feb.

8:03 monday, january 31 - 2011


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