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The ALNEF strongly condemns the assassination attempt on Dr Oumar Mariko

The ALNEF demands an independent inquiry into the matter

D 9 mars 2012     H 05:58     A Forum du Réseau de la Gauche Africaine (ALNEF)     C 0 messages

The African Left Networking Forum (ALNEF) is deeply shocked by the attempted assassination on our comrade Dr Oumar Mariko, Secretary General of Solidarité Africaine pour la Démocratie et l’Indépendance, (SADI) Party, who is also the SADI presidential candidate for the Malian elections slated for April 29, 2012.

Information received by the ALNEF Secretariat shows that this callous and cowardly act was carried out by unknown masked gunmen armed with AK-47 assault rifle and traversing aboard a 4 X 4 car, without number plates. The gunmen trailed him on the streets of Bamako for over half an hour. They did so without the fear of interception from the police, with a lot of confidence as if assured of approval from above.

ALNEF denounces and condemns in the strongest terms this attempt on Dr Oumar Mariko’s life and demands that the Malian Government, especially the incumbent President Amadou Toumani Touré, in his capacity as the guarantor of security of all Malian citizens, investigates this matter and arrest all those responsible of this despicable and barbaric act, together with their sponsors and bring them to book. ALNEF also strongly appeals for the government of Mali to provide full time security to Dr Oumar Mariko and all SADI political leaders.

We as ALNEF express our fears that this criminal attempt on a prominent political leader and presidential candidate might deteriorate an already polluted political atmosphere in the country, since the country faces a military crisis in the North with secessionist groups threatening the territorial integrity of the Republic of Mali.

ALNEF is aware that the current situation in Northern Mali is a consequence of the barbaric war of plunder that Western imperialist powers waged against Libya last year. African people in general and the Malian people in particular should not tolerate the idea that the consequences of this war of aggression be used to permit and justify the presence of the imperialist forces in the Sahara, in their efforts to achieve their geostrategic goals in that sub-region. Dr Oumar Mariko is targeted because of his constant and vigorous opposition to this agenda.

We urge President Amadou Toumani Touré and his government to use his constitutional powers to create conducive conditions for a sincere dialogue amongst the political class, in order to restore peace in the northern part of Mali and ensure an appeased political and secure environment that can guarantee free, fair and unquestionable elections.

The African Left Networking Forum (ALNEF) reiterates its full and unconditional support to Dr Oumar Mariko and the SADI Party in their struggle against imperialism and exploitation of the Malian masses by the Western powers and for the preservation of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Mali and the construction of an independent, democratic, prosperous and all-inclusive Malian society.

Johannesburg, February 21, 2012

On behalf of ALNEF Secretariat

Chris Matlhako

SACP Head of International Relations Department and ALNEF Coordinator

Contact :

Email : chrismatlhako@hotmail.com ; Phone : +27835766011 ; +27832558804


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