Statement : The Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace condemns the attack on 218 TV correspondent Mabrouka Al-Mismari
31 mars 2022 05:30 0 messages
On 8th February 2022, Mabrouka Al-Mismari, correspondent of Libyan TV Channel 218 and a founding member of the Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace, was attacked by an armed group in the city of Benghazi, resulting in the destruction of her recording equipment. The attack took place after the broadcasting of an episode of the “Al-Bilad” program on Channel 218, presented by TV anchor Khalil Al-Hassi ; discussing the alliances, affiliated with the sons of General Haftar, behind the formation of the executive authority.
This incident occurred in light of the ongoing state of impunity in Libya, which has been amplified as a result of the collapse of the security services and the ineffectiveness of the justice system. This has been evident through the frequency of attacks against Libyan journalists from kidnappings and arrests to enforced disappearances, which remain disregarded and unaccounted for.
The Libyan Women’s Platform for Peace unequivocally condemns the attack and demands the relevant security authorities in Benghazi to hold the perpetrators accountable, prosecute them, and bring them to justice.
We, as an organization, renew our solidarity with Libyan journalists, media professionals, and any victims affected by these heinous crimes and human rights violations. We also renew our call on all security and military authorities to abide by the laws, customs, charters and international declarations that guarantee freedom of the press and media professionals, and prevent the infringement of their human rights.
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